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Develop good people to create greater impact.

The Collective Advantage provides workforce development initiatives specifically designed for Not-For-Profit and Social Enterprises to help them maximise the collective potential of their people, deliver on their purpose, and create greater social impact.

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Develop the heart of your organisation.

At the heart of every not-for-profit or social enterprise are teams of good people doing great work. 

Organisations face a constant struggle to enable and empower a strong workforce, utilise limited resources and maximise positive impact.

The Collective Advantage for Teams is a solution to these challenges.

Its a workforce development program that focuses on harnessing the collective advantage of people through the creation of high performing, effective teams.

Download the Collective Advantage for Teams prospectus.

The prospectus is a detailed guide for the Collective Advantage for Teams Program.

This guide details how you can harness the Collective Advantage within your organisation by engaging a systemic, evidence based process to develop your workforce through high-performing and effective teams.

CA Prospectus hands

"What can the collective achieve that is more than what can be achieved by individuals? ."

How good is your team?

Find out how good your team is. Assess your team against 13 factors that determine the effectiveness and performance of teams using our free assessment tool.

Understanding how good your team is, and what to do to improve performance can fast-track your team's development and help them create greater impact.

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Are you ready for the Advantage?

For your organisation and team to be ready to harness the Collective Advantage there are  a number of critical success factors that determine the impact the program can have.

Assessing your readiness for the program is an important step to maximise the benefits of any workforce development investment you will make.

Find out if your ready by using the free Team Readiness Assessment tool.